27 March 2006

On Stage... Now With Real Music

Charity Concert 1
Originally uploaded by gogakuhei.
Played at a charity concert on Saturday with Nathan and Andy (not Andrew). I guess things went pretty well, from what we heard. Plenty of nerves up on stage, for all three of us.

While I'm more comfortable with the guitar slung up high for now, it really makes me look like I have a guitar for a torso. Lousy posture, too. Time to hit the gym.

I also figured out what part of the whole band "front man" bit is about. After our (one song) performance, people that knew us congratulated all three of us, while people that didn't know us gave praise to Andy. Singer as front man - I guess the vocalist really is the visible one. No biggie. I'm in this for the babes more than the spotlight.


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