16 January 2006

Magic Switch of +15 Happiness

Sometimes it's the simple things.

The main circuit breaker in my house was, until today, only rated for 15 amps. How much is 15 amps? Not a lot. If I tried to run two appliances at the same time - like my microwave and my air conditioner, or my vacuum and my washing machine, or even my toaster oven and TV (!) - the circuit breaker would trip and I'd have to run around and turn everything off before resetting the breaker and then resetting all my clocks.

Having Kyushu Electric come out and replace my 15 amp circuit breaker with a more solid 30 amp breaker didn't cost anything. The base rate I pay for electricty goes from $3.50 to maybe $6.50 a month, but the price per kilowatt hour stays the same. A small price to pay to be able to cook dinner without the lights going out. Now if I can just figure out why my gas meter keeps resetting itself, I'll be set.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how come it cost ¥80,000 when we did it? Do I look that stupid. we had to get a trio of thicker wires and a new breaker box just to put in another air conditioner upstairs.

16 January, 2006 17:14  
Blogger Dehn said...

Nils: That's a good question. I could see if the wires upstairs weren't rated for anything over "trickle of juice" that you'd need to rewire. It never ceases to amaze me how thin and light the power outlets here feel. Is it me, or are outlet octopodes (several devices plugged into an outlet splitter) a bit more common in Japan than in the States?

Andrew: Dude. Used the oven, toaster, and the heater this morning. You have got to make the call.

17 January, 2006 08:56  

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