08 March 2006

Warm, Cold, Warm, Cold...

It seems the weather can't make up its mind about what season it is these days. Two days ago it was almost downright chilly. Yesterday was pretty warm. Today is slightly chilly. It's been like this for a couple weeks now, so I guess we're on our way to "spring".

I don't have much else to toss about today; I got an email or two mentioning my lack of updates and realized that it had been about three weeks since I posted anything. Sorry 'bout that.

I did manage to get out last Sunday and buy a guitar. A brand-new "Sepia Crue" W-130TS. Essentially it's a good guitar for a beginner, which I am. It's a lot easier to play than the guitar I got from my predecessor, which is close to retirement. Between the guitar, the bag (included), a new strap, and a capo, I put down about $85. I never really realized that guitars could be had for so little.

The performance for Nathan and I is on the 25th, in about two weeks. I'm making progress, but the rythymic strumming that I'd like to have is still evading me, just a little bit. It would be nice to sound good this time. The audience will be larger than our performance last year, and we're playing it a bit more seriously.

I really feel like I'm struggling to come up with things to say, so I'll just let it go at that and get back to work.


Blogger Dehn said...

You just keep thinking that. There'll be a farewell tour, don't you worry.

09 March, 2006 15:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just another kagoshima blogger dropping you a hello on this rainy grey day.

26 March, 2006 15:54  

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