Rain, Rain, Get the F--- Out
4 die due to heavy rain in Kagoshima Pref., death toll rises to 24
It's been raining here since something like Tuesday, and it really started coming down heavy on Friday (or was it Thursday?), all the way through Saturday night. In total, the news says, we've had about 120 centimeters of rain... which is just a hair under four feet. Four feet of rain in less than a week. I think that's more than a year's worth of rain for most anywhere in Southern California... in about five days. The north half of my town got hit pretty hard. If my camera were working, I'd try to go get some pictures to post.
I just watched a train go by and it looked like there were mud splashes on the sides of the first few cars.
Oh, yeah -- my camera has earned a boatload of wrath. I had pictures on there from a visit to a shochu distillery, as well as pictures from my farewell party and pictures of the river ready to flood its banks... and when I hooked the camera up to my computer, they both inform me that the memory card is EMPTY. What the hell?
Any good camera recommendations out there?