17 August 2009

A Disc Golf Shop in Tokyo!

Went to have dinner with friend and his girlfriend this weekend. We got off the train and were on our way to meet him at a grocery store, when right around the corner from the grocery I saw a small (about 2/3 size) portable golf basket on the sidewalk outside a small shop. Stepped over, looked inside, and saw more than twice as many discs as you'd find at Real Cheap on a good day, packed into a shop no larger than a medium size walk-in closet.

I talked with the owner for only a little bit (we were on our way to meet people, after all), but got his card and a few "introduction to disc golf" booklets (in Japanese, naturally). I'm pretty sure all his discs meet the Japanese regulations (maximum 152g). He had a few nice-looking golf bags, too. For Japan, the discs were reasonably priced ($14-$20). I didn't look too closely, but the bags seemed reasonable, too.

The owner said there are two courses in Tokyo; one near Tatsumi (which I already knew about, and is rather close to the house), and a course in Saitama. He said the course in Saitama is pretty good; I guess I'll have to steal a weekend before it gets too cold and get in a round or two of golf.

The shop: DD Jam

Will pick up a few discs after vacation.

17 September 2015: Updated the URL for the shop.

02 August 2009

Bobby McFerrin, Pentatonic Scale, and Neuroscience

Found this over on Boing Boing. To borrow from and agree with someone in the comments, the genius of Bobby McFerrin continues to amaze. "Don't Worry, Be Happy", as fun as it was at the time, is probably one of the least impressive points in his career.

Here he is at the World Science Festival 2009, using the pentatonic scale to illustrate expectations and neural programming. Something like that. This video? Me likey.

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.