28 May 2009

Kit Kat: きなこ (Soybean flour)

Welcome to the first of at least a few Kit Kat posts. I'll be doing these from time to time, especially if I'm busy and not able to put more thought or effort into posting something entertaining. Forgive me. (^_^)

According to Wikipedia, "It is also in Japan that Kit Kat has in recent years seen a variety of different flavors emerge, although each for a limited time. Some examples include, maple syrup, melon, vanilla bean, grape, apple, banana, caramel, kiwifruit, azuki (sweet red bean), green tea, yuzu (a fragrant lemon-like citrus fruit), and cherry blossom. [...] Japan has pushed Kit Kat flavours the most. Kit Kat Japan also has unique "Regional" variations such as a mango-flavoured Kit Kat available only in Kyushu and Okinawa."

So, yeah. There's lots of flavors of Kit Kat to be had, but almost always for limited times and/or limited to a certain locale. (One that I really want to get my hands on is a "soy sauce" Kit Kat I saw recently. How odd...)

So, for today, I bring you "Kinako", or roasted soybean flour, Kit Kats. They taste slightly of peanut butter, thanks to the roasted legume angle. Tasty. Would buy again, if I could find them -- and find them in a regular pack. I could only find these in a large bag of two-bar packs (pictured).

Anyway, there's my post for the day. Off to bed for me. Ciao!


Anonymous maya said...

Kinako are very common. You can get them in bar form (think snickers) at most conbinis (sometimes in the candy section, sometimes near the counter). Also, if you want soy sauce then hit up the Newdays conbini inside the gates at the south exit of Shinjuku station. They come in an omiyage-style gift box containing around 12 of those small sized ones. They do NOT taste like shoyu. I have had people think they are mocha and brown sugar.. definitely sweet and much more tasty than you'd think.

Yeah.. I collect, too. =P (most recent acquisition: apple vinegar)

28 May, 2009 08:48  
Blogger gogakuhei said...

Maybe I'll have to enlist you for a guest blogging spot. (^_^) How is the apple vinegar?

I've seen the gift boxes of the shoyu Kit Kats, but was hoping for an individual package. I guess if I want to try, I'll have to buy. The maple syrup ones sound really good, too.

Is it me, or have you noticed that often the first bite or two really carry the special flavor, but by the time you hit the fourth or so bite, it begins to rapidly become just another Kit Kat? (At least with the chocolate ones. The white-chocolate based ones tend toward a generic 'sweetness'.)

28 May, 2009 10:14  
Anonymous maya said...

Haha.. I haven't actually tried them yet! I actively look for kit kats to collect, but I'm terrible at remembering to actually taste them. I still haven't opened up the Jasmine Tea or Whole Grain Cookies+ from a few months back, even though I was pretty excited about those.

Not so sure I've noticed the flavor diminishing, but I generally go for the small ones, or split them to try, so that might be a factor. The shoyu is white and pretty generically swee, though. Speaking of which, I think I might have a couple left if you don't want to invest in a box.

I haven't tried/seen maple. Just kokuto.. the internet tells me we should be looking out for lemon vinegar, but I have not yet seen then in the wild.

29 May, 2009 15:50  
Blogger gogakuhei said...

Saw lemon vinegar last night at Y's Mart on my way home. I didn't get it because it's a full bag, but the flavor sounds so odd that I may cave on my way home tonight.

29 May, 2009 18:52  

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