23 July 2006

Considering History

Worshipping Yasukuni-Jinja
originally uploaded by BenTokyo.
I really wasn't sure what to title this entry. I toyed with "Let's Get Political (For a Minute)", but maybe "The Biggest News That Will Go Nowhere" would be more accurate. I'm not saying that I want the news I read about over at Pure Land Mountain to go nowhere; I just have little faith in the Japanese news machine to persue this matter or ask any hard questions about it. (I have the same lack of faith in the U.S. media. They've let the world down as much or more than the Japanese media.) They'll probably just look the other way and hope it goes away. If this were the U.S., I'd be sure that was the intention.

Meh. Who am I kidding. The visits will probably continue, so as to appease the Japanese political right and antagonize the rest of Asia. Nothing like following tradition for nothing other than the sake of following tradition.

Thanks to BenTokyo for having this picture of Yasukuni in his Flickr set.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a weekend morning show that actually tackled the Yasukuni issue very well, though sadly most news takes a more sensationalist approach to it and they always give a seat to a super-right winger who always seems to manage to bog down conversation by making emotional appeals and arguing about specific facts.
Anyways, the morning show had a guest politician from every party and they pretty much all agreed by the end that Japan needs to have a non-religious site for honoring the war dead, and that preferebly they should have something like they've got in Germany that honors the dead of both Japan and it's enemies.


21 August, 2006 16:54  

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